Kood (Code) | Kirjeldus | Description (in ENG) | Pikkus, tüüp (Lenght, Type) | Kohustuslik / Mandatory |
SerNr | Ostuarve number | Purchase invoice number | 0, Value with No Decimals | Yes (Auto, from number series) |
InvDate | Ostuarve kuupäev | Purchase invoice date | 0, In Dataformat Order | Yes (Auto, default = corrent) |
PayVal | Summa kokku | Sum total | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
RegDate | Koostatud kuupäeval | Created date | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
InvoiceNr | Hankija arve number | Supplier invoice number | 60, String | Can be set to mandatory |
OKFlag | Kinnita linnuke | OKed flag. 0=No; 1=Yes. | 0, As Bool but displayed as a Checkbox | |
VECode | Hankija | Supplier | 20, Code String | Yes (Manual) |
VEName | Supplier. | Name | 60, String | Highly recommended |
PayDeal | Tasumistingimus | Payment terms | 2, Code String | Yes (Manual, if set in contact card, then auto) |
DueDate | Tähtaeg | Due date | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
RebDate | Kassa-ale kuupäev | Discount date | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
RefStr | Viide | Reference | 60, String | |
BankAcc | Pangakonto, IBAN | Bank Account | 60, String | |
Sign | Müügimees | Salesman / Creator name. | 10, Code String | |
RebVal | Kasa-ale summa | Discount | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
TransDate | Kande kuupäev | Transaction date | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
InvType | Arve tüüp | Invoice type flag | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
VATVal | Käibemaks | VAT | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
APAcc | Ostuvõlgade konto | Creditors AC | 10, Code String | |
VEFactoring | Faktooring | Factoring | 20, Code String | |
BankName | Panga nimi | Bank Name | 20, String | |
OKPersons | Kinnitajad | Signers | 60, Capital Characters Only | |
CurncyCode | Valuuta | Currency | 5, Code String | Highly recommended |
ToRateB1 | B1 kurss | B1 rate | 0, Value with 6 Decimals | |
ExportFlag | Käibemaksutsoon | VAT zone | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
VEVatCode | Tarnija VAT number | Vendor VAT code | 10, Code String | |
Comment | Kommentaar | Comment | 60, String | |
CalcVATVal | VAT arvutatud | VAT, calculated | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
Closed | Suletud linnuke | Closed flag | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
Objects | Objektid | Objects | 60, Capital Characters Only | |
PrelBook | Eelkonteeritud | Pre Booked | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
BankCode | Pangakood | Bank code | 60, String | |
CredInv | Krediteeritud arve number | Credited invoice number | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
xStatFlag | N/A | N/A | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
CORefStr | Ettevõtte viide, kasutavad riigiasutused | Company`s Reference | 60, String | |
ExportedFlag | Ostuarve eksporditud, jah, ei. | Exported flag. 0=no; 1=yes | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
POSerNr | Ostutellimuse number | Purchase Order number | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
FrRate | Kurss | Rate | 0, Value with 6 Decimals | |
ToRateB2 | Kurss baasvaluuta 2 suhtes | Rate to Base currency 2 | 0, Value with 6 Decimals | |
BaseRate1 | Baasvaluuta 1 | Base currency 1 | 0, Value with 6 Decimals | |
BaseRate2 | Baasvaluuta 2 | Base currency 2 | 0, Value with 6 Decimals | |
CredMark | Kreeditarve. ei/jah | Credit invoice flag. 0=no; 1=yes | 1, String | |
APonTR | Info kande E osale | Supplier info on transit flag. . 0=no; 1=yes | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
Invalid | Tühistatud. Ei/jah | Invalid flag. 0=no; 1=yes | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
VATNr | KMKR nr | VAT no. | 20, String | |
LangCode | Keel | Language code | 5, Code String | |
InstallmentInv | Osalise makes nr | Partial payment no | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
POCQStatNr | Ostuprotsess | P/O Process No | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
SortCode | Sorteerimiskood | Sort code | 10, String | |
SalesGroup | Müügigrupp | Sales Group | 5, Code String | |
SalesMan | Meie esindaja, müügimees | Sales Person | 10, Code String | |
POCOSerNr | Ostuleping | Purchase contract no | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
HoldSum | Ootel summa | Hold amount | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
DiffVal | B1 erinevus | Base 1 Difference | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
BarCode | ribakood | Bar code | 60, String | |
StatVal | Stat. väärtus | Stat. Value | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
xAcceptanceState | N/A | N/A | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
xAcceptanceGroup | N/A | N/A | 20, Code String | |
WithHoldingTax | Kin.maks | Withh. Tax | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
SupCurVal | Ostuval. Summa | Cur. Sum | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
RcvDate | Vastuvõtmiskuupäev | Receiving Date | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
TAX1Sum | Maksu summa | Tax sum | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
ServiceDelDate | Teenuse lähetamiskuupäev | Service Del. Date | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
OfficialSerNr | Ametlik seerianumber | Official serial number | 100, String | |
TAX2Sum | Maks2 | Tax2 | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
RebDate2 | Kassa-ale 2 kuupäev | Discount 2 date | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
TaxAuthID | Maksuameti ID | Tax Auth. ID | 40, String | |
TaxAuthIDCC | Kontrollkood | Control code | 20, String | |
BranchID | Filiaal | Branch | 20, Code String | |
NoTAXonVAT | Arvuta lisamaks summast ilma käibemaksuta | Calculate Ext. Tax on Sum incl | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
IVNr | Arve number | Invoice No. | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
CAE | CAE | CAE | 20, String | |
CAEExpiry | CAE kehtivuskuupäev | CAE exp date | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
Region | Regioon | Region | 20, Code String | |
OrderType | tellimuse tüüp | Order type | 433, Int represented by a Set of String | |
RebVal2 | Kassa-ale 2 väärtus | Discount 2 value | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
AcceptanceStatus | Vastuvõtmise staatus | Acceptance Status | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
VETaxTemplateCode | Tarnija maksumall | Vendor tax template | 10, Code String | |
SelfBilling | Isearveldus | Self billing | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
FiscalFlag | Fiskaalarve | Fiscal invoice | 0, As Bool but displayed as a Checkbox | |
VATFrRate | VAT kurss | VAT rate | 0, Value with 6 Decimals | |
VATToRateB1 | VAT kurss Baasvaluuta 1 suhtes | VAT rate to B1 | 0, Value with 6 Decimals | |
VATToRateB2 | VAT kurss Baasvaluuta 2 suhtes | VAT rate to B2 | 0, Value with 6 Decimals | |
VATBaseRate1 | Baasvaluuta 1 | B1 rate | 0, Value with 6 Decimals | |
VATBaseRate2 | Baasvaluuta 2 | B2 rate | 0, Value with 6 Decimals | |
Addr1 | Aadress rida 1 | Address line 1 | 60, String | |
Addr2 | Address line 2 | Address line 2 | 60, String | |
Addr3 | Address line 3 | Address line 3 | 60, String | |
InvAddr3 | Arveaadressi rida 3 | Invoice address line 3 | 60, String | |
InvAddr4 | Arveaadressi rida 4 | Invoice address line 4 | 60, String | |
InvCountry | Arve riik | Invpice country | 5, Code String | |
Phone | Telefon | Phone | 20, String with phone-number | |
Fax | Faks | Fax | 20, String | |
CAEAFlag | CAEA ei/jah | CAEA flag. 0=no; 1=yes. | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
PRCode | Projekti kood | Project code | 20, Code String | |
OrgVE | Org. hankija | Org. Supp. | 20, Code String | |
AcceptanceBy | Kinnitaja | Approval By | 200, Comma separated List | |
AcceptanceFYI | Teadmiseks | Acceptance FYI | 200, Comma separated List | |
PaymentCode | Tasumise kood | Payment Code | 5, Code String | |
VELegalForm | Juriidiline vorm | Legal Form | 10, Code String | |
pdays | Neto päevi | Net Days | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
Attach | Manus | Attachment | ||
Maatriks | ||||
stp | rea tüüp | Row type | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
ovst | rida kustutatud, punane joon peal | Row deleted, red line | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
AccNumber | Konto number | A/C | 10, Code String | Highly recommended |
Objects | Objektid | Objects | 60, Capital Characters Only | |
Comment | Kirjeldus | Description | 60, String | Highly recommended |
Sum | Summa | Sum | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | Highly recommended |
Item | artikkel | Item | 20, Code String | |
qty | Kogus | Quantity | 0, Value with minimum Decimals | |
PRCode | Projekti kood | Project | 20, Code String | |
VATCode | Käibemaksukood | VAT Code | 10, Code String | |
VEPNr | Ettemaksu jah/ei | Prepayment flag. 0=no; 1=yes | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
PrepayNr | ettemaksu nr | Prepayment no. | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
PrepayAmount | Ettemaksu summa | Prepayment amount | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
OrdRow | Hidden | Ord. Row. | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
VATVal | KM summa | VAT amount | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
PeriodCode | Periodiseerimise mudel | Accrual | 10, Code String | |
ACShort | A/C | Short code | 5, Code String | |
PUNr | Laosissetuleku nr | GR No. | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
PURow | Laosissetuleku rida | GR Row | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
VarianceAmount | Erinevus | Price Var. | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
POCORow | N/A | N/A | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
TAX2Prc | Piirkonnapõhine maks | Perception Tax | 0, Value with 2 or 3 Decimals | |
PONr | Ostutellimuse nr | Purch. Ord. No. | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
StockType | Ladu | Stock | 359, Int represented by a Set of String | |
SerialNr | Seerianumber | Serial no. | 60, String | |
WHTax | Kinnipidamismaks | Withh. Tax | 2, Code String | |
TaxTemplateCode | maksumall | Tax template code | 60, Capital Characters Only | |
InventoryNr | Inventaarinumber | Inventory No. | 30, String | |
AssetTransType | PV kande tüüp | Asset transaction type | 508, Int represented by a Set of String | |
OrderType | Tellimuse tüüp | Order type | 626, Int represented by a Set of String |
XML näidis:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?> <data> <register name='VIVc'> <record> <head> <SerNr></SerNr> <InvDate></InvDate> <PayVal></PayVal> <RegDate></RegDate> <InvoiceNr></InvoiceNr> <OKFlag></OKFlag> <PayDeal></PayDeal> <VECode></VECode> <VEName></VEName> <DueDate></DueDate> <RebDate></RebDate> <RefStr></RefStr> <BankAcc></BankAcc> <Sign></Sign> <RebVal></RebVal> <TransDate></TransDate> <InvType></InvType> <VATVal></VATVal> <APAcc></APAcc> <VEFactoring></VEFactoring> <BankName></BankName> <OKPersons></OKPersons> <CurncyCode></CurncyCode> <ToRateB1></ToRateB1> <ExportFlag></ExportFlag> <VEVatCode></VEVatCode> <Comment></Comment> <CalcVATVal></CalcVATVal> <Closed></Closed> <Objects></Objects> <PrelBook></PrelBook> <BankCode></BankCode> <CredInv></CredInv> <xStatFlag></xStatFlag> <CORefStr></CORefStr> <ExportedFlag></ExportedFlag> <POSerNr></POSerNr> <FrRate></FrRate> <ToRateB2></ToRateB2> <BaseRate1></BaseRate1> <BaseRate2></BaseRate2> <CredMark></CredMark> <APonTR></APonTR> <Invalid></Invalid> <VATNr></VATNr> <LangCode></LangCode> <InstallmentInv></InstallmentInv> <POCQStatNr></POCQStatNr> <SortCode></SortCode> <SalesGroup></SalesGroup> <SalesMan></SalesMan> <POCOSerNr></POCOSerNr> <HoldSum></HoldSum> <DiffVal></DiffVal> <BarCode></BarCode> <StatVal></StatVal> <xAcceptanceState></xAcceptanceState> <xAcceptanceGroup></xAcceptanceGroup> <WithHoldingTax></WithHoldingTax> <SupCurVal></SupCurVal> <RcvDate></RcvDate> <TAX1Sum></TAX1Sum> <ServiceDelDate></ServiceDelDate> <OfficialSerNr></OfficialSerNr> <TAX2Sum></TAX2Sum> <RebDate2></RebDate2> <TaxAuthID></TaxAuthID> <TaxAuthIDCC></TaxAuthIDCC> <BranchID></BranchID> <NoTAXonVAT></NoTAXonVAT> <IVNr></IVNr> <CAE></CAE> <CAEExpiry></CAEExpiry> <Region></Region> <OrderType></OrderType> <RebVal2></RebVal2> <AcceptanceStatus></AcceptanceStatus> <VETaxTemplateCode></VETaxTemplateCode> <SelfBilling></SelfBilling> <FiscalFlag></FiscalFlag> <VATFrRate></VATFrRate> <VATToRateB1></VATToRateB1> <VATToRateB2></VATToRateB2> <VATBaseRate1></VATBaseRate1> <VATBaseRate2></VATBaseRate2> <Addr1></Addr1> <Addr2></Addr2> <Addr3></Addr3> <InvAddr3></InvAddr3> <InvAddr4></InvAddr4> <InvCountry></InvCountry> <Phone></Phone> <Fax></Fax> <CAEAFlag></CAEAFlag> <PRCode></PRCode> <OrgVE></OrgVE> <AcceptanceBy></AcceptanceBy> <AcceptanceFYI></AcceptanceFYI> <PaymentCode></PaymentCode> <VELegalForm></VELegalForm> <pdays></pdays> <Attach></Attach> </head> <rows> <row> <stp></stp> <ovst></ovst> <AccNumber></AccNumber> <Objects></Objects> <Comment></Comment> <Sum></Sum> <Item></Item> <qty></qty> <PRCode></PRCode> <VATCode></VATCode> <VEPNr></VEPNr> <PrepayNr></PrepayNr> <PrepayAmount></PrepayAmount> <OrdRow></OrdRow> <VATVal></VATVal> <PeriodCode></PeriodCode> <ACShort></ACShort> <PUNr></PUNr> <PURow></PURow> <VarianceAmount></VarianceAmount> <POCORow></POCORow> <TAX2Prc></TAX2Prc> <PONr></PONr> <StockType></StockType> <SerialNr></SerialNr> <WHTax></WHTax> <TaxTemplateCode></TaxTemplateCode> <InventoryNr></InventoryNr> <AssetTransType></AssetTransType> <OrderType></OrderType> </row> </rows> </record> </register> </data>