Kood | Kirjeldus | Description ENG | Pikkus, tüüp | Kohustuslik/Mandatory |
SerNr | Arve number | Invoice number | 0, Value with No Decimals | Yes (Auto = number series) |
InvDate | Arve kuupäev | Invoice date | 0, In Dataformat Order | Yes (Auto, default = current) |
CustCode | Kliendi kood | Customer code | 20, Code String | Yes (Manual) |
PayDate | Maksetähtaeg | Due date | 0, In Dataformat Order | Yes (Auto = InvDate + PayDeal) |
Addr0 | Kliendi nimi | Cust name | 60, String | Highly recommended |
Addr1 | Arve saaja aadressi 2. rida | Invoice address line 2 | 60, String | |
Addr2 | Arve saaja aadressi 3. rida | Invoice address line 3 | 60, String | |
Addr3 | Arve saaja aadressi 4. rida | Invoice address line 4 | 60, String | |
OurContact | Meie esindaja, arve koostaja | Our reference | 20, String | |
ClientContact | Kliendi esindaja | Attention | 60, String | |
ExportFlag | Käibemaksutsoon 0 = „Eesti“ 1 = „EL“, 3 = „EL (konteeri KM)“, 2 = „Mitte EL“ 4 = „Mitte EL (konteeri KM) | VAT zone 0 = „Domestic“ 1 = „Inside EU“, 3 = „Inside EU (Post VAT)“, 2 = „Outside EU“ 4 = „Outside EU (Post VAT) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | Yes (Auto, from customer card) |
PayDeal | Tasumistingimuse kood | Payment terms | 2, Code String | Yes (Manual. Can be filled in customer card, then Auto) |
OrderNr | Tellimuse nr (millest arve on koostatud) | Order No. | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
Prntdf | Saadetud. 0=ei, 1=jah | Sent. 0=no, 1=yes | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
OKFlag | Kinnitatud. 0=ei, 1=jah | OK. 0=no, 1=yes | 0, As Bool but displayed as a Checkbox | |
pdays | Netopäevi (maksetähtaeg) | Net days (related to Payment term) | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
pdvrebt | Kassa-ale protsent | Settl. Discount % | 0, Value with minimum Decimals | |
pdrdays | Kassa-ale päevi | Settl. Disc. Days | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
CustCat | Kliendiklass | Customer category | 5, Code String | |
pdComment | Tekst (peidus) | Text (hidden) | 60, String | |
x1 | Ei kasutata | N/A | 0, Empty Field | |
InvType | Arve tüüp Võimalikud variandid: Tavaine = 1 Sularahaarve = 2 Kreeditarve = 3 Intressiarve = 4 Deebitarve = 5 Osamakse arve= 6 Ettemaksuarve = 7 Erimüügiarve = 8 erimüügi kreeditarve = 9 Arve/Laekumine = 10 Oma Töötaja arve = 11 | Invoice type (Regular, credit etc. 1=regular) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | Highly recommended, default = 1 |
xStatFlag | Ei kasutata, alati 0 | N/A, always 0 | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
PriceList | Hinnakiri | Price list | 5, Code String | |
Objects | Objektid. Läbiva suurtähega, eraldatud komaga. | Tags/Objects | 60, Capital Characters Only | |
InclVAT | Hind KM-ga (0=ei; 1=jah; 2=jah) | Price with VAT (checbox, 0=no; 1=yes) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
ARAcc | Müügivõlad (finantskonto) | Debitors (account) | 10, Code String | |
InvComment | Arve kommentaar | Comment | 200, String | |
CredInv | Kreediteeritava arve nr | Orig. no. /(invoice to credit) | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
CredMark | Kreeditarve (0=ei; 1=jah) | Credit invoice (0=no; 1=yes) | 1, String | |
SalesMan | Müügimees | Salesman | 60, Capital Characters Only | |
ToRateB1 | Kurss B1 suhtes | Rate to Base Currency 1 | 0, Value with 6 Decimals | |
TransDate | Kande kuupäev | Trans. date | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
CurncyCode | Valuuta | Currency | 5, Code String | Highly recommended |
LangCode | Keel | Language | 5, Code String | Highly recommended |
UpdStockFlag | Muuda ladu (0=ei; 1=jah) | Update stock (0=no; 1=yes) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
LastRemndr | Märgukirjatase | Reminder level | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
LastRemDate | Viimase märgukirja kuupäev | Last reminder date | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
Sign | Arve koostaja, allkiri | Compiler of document (hidden from GUI) | 10, Code String | |
FrPrice | Transpordi hind | Transport | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
FrBase | Ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
FrItem | Transpordi artiklikood | Transport item code | 20, Code String | |
FrVATCode | Transpordi käibemaksukood | Transport VAT code | 10, Code String | |
FrObjects | Transpordi objektid | Transport objects | 60, Capital Characters Only | |
OrgCust | Algne klient | Orginal customer | 20, Code String | |
FrGP | Ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
FrGPPercent | Müügikatte protsent hinnast | GP Percentage of Price | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
Sum0 | Ümardus | Rounding | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
Sum1 | Vaheusmma | Subtotal | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
Sum2 | Kokku (Eestis tühi) | N/A | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
Sum3 | Käibemaksu summa | VAT sum | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
Sum4 | Kokku | TOTAL | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
VATNr | Kliendi KMKR number | Customer VAT reg. number | 20, String | |
ShipDeal | Lähetustingimus | Del. Terms | 5, Code String | |
ShipAddr0 | Lähetusaadressi 1. rida | Delivery address line 1 | 60, String | |
ShipAddr1 | Lähetusaadressi 2. rida | Delivery address line 2 | 60, String | |
ShipAddr2 | Lähetusaadressi 3. rida | Delivery address line 3 | 60, String | |
ShipAddr3 | Lähetusaadressi 4. rida | Delivery address line 4 | 60, String | |
ShipMode | Lähetusviis | Del. mode | 5, Code String | |
Location | Ladu | Stock | 10, Code String | |
PRCode | Projekti kood | Project | 20, Code String | |
FrSalesAcc | Ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 10, Code String | |
TAX1Sum | Lisamaks | Ext. tax | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
CustVATCode | Kliendi KM kood | Customer VAT code | 10, Code String | |
RebCode | Allahindlusmaatriksi kood (kliendilt) | Discount Matrix | 5, Code String | |
CalcFinRef | Tasumise Viide (Ainult Soome KM seadistusega, Eestis ei kasutata) | Reference | 30, String | |
Phone | Telefon (kliendi) | Phone (from customer) | 20, String with phone-number | |
Fax | Faks (kliendi) | Fax (from customer) | 20, String | |
IntCode | Viivis | Interest | 10, String | |
ARonTR | Info kande E-osale (0=ei; 1=jah) | Cust. Info on Trans. | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
CustOrdNr | Kliendi tellimuse number | Cust. Ord. No. | 60, String | |
ExportedFlag | Eksporditud (0=ei; 1=jah) | Exported (0=no; 1=yes) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
BaseSum4 | Summa | Base | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
FrRate | Kurss B1-te | Rate to base currency 1 | 0, Value with 6 Decimals | |
ToRateB2 | Kurss B2-te | Rate to base currency 2 | 0, Value with 6 Decimals | |
BaseRate1 | B1 kurss | Base curr 1 rate | 0, Value with 6 Decimals | |
BaseRate2 | B2 kurss | Base curr 2 rate | 0, Value with 6 Decimals | |
InvoiceNr | Hankija arve nr | Supplyer Inv. No. | 20, String | |
DiscPerc | Allahindlusprotsent | Disc % | 0, Value with minimum Decimals | |
DiscSum | Allahindluse summa | Disc sum | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
TotGP | Kokku MK (Müügikate) | Total GP | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
LocOKNr | Asukoha kin. nr. | LocOKNr | 0, Value with minimum Decimals | |
Invalid | Tühistatud (Punane joon arvel peal) | Invalid, closed (0=no; 1=yes) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
CreditCard | Krediitkaart | Credit Card | 20, Capital Characters Only | |
AuthorizationCode | Autoriseerimiskood | Authorization Code (for credit card) | 10, Capital Characters Only | |
RecValue | Makstud (0=ei; 1=jah) | Paid | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
RetValue | Sularaha tagasi | Change | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
FromBUQT | Kolmnurktehing | Triangle | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
Sorting | Teekond | Sorting | 20, String | |
NoInterestFlag | Ära arvesta viivist (0=ei; 1=jah) | Do not calculate interest | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
NoRemndrFlag | Ära koosta masskirju (0=ei; 1=jah) | Do not send reminders | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
SVONr | Teenindustellimuse nr | Service Order No. | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
InstallmentInv | Ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
OfficialSerNr | Ametlik seerianumber | Official serial no | 100, String | |
OfficialSerNr2 | Ametlik seerianumber 2 | Official serial no 2 | 100, String | |
TotQty | Kokku kogus | Total quantity | 0, Value with minimum Decimals | |
TotWeight | Kokku kaal | Total weight | 0, Value with minimum Decimals | |
TotVolume | Maht kokku | Total volume | 0, Value with minimum Decimals | |
Commision | Teenustasu | Commision | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
SumIncCom | Kokku teenustasuga | Sum with comission | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
InvAddr3 | Arve aadress 4. Rida | Invoice address line 5 | 60, String | |
InvAddr4 | Arve aadress 5. Rida | Invoice address line 6 | 60, String | |
DelAddr3 | Lähetusaadress 4. Rida | Delivery address line 5 | 60, String | |
DelAddr4 | Lähetusaadress 5. Rida | Delivery address line 6 | 60, String | |
DelAddrCode | Lähetusaadressi kood | Delivery address (Code) | 20, Code String | |
AutoGiro | Ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
SalesGroup | Müügigrupp | Sales Group | 30, Capital Characters Only | |
DisputedFlag | Vaidlustatud (0=ei; 1=jah) | Disputed (0=no; 1=yes) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
NoColectionFlag | Kogumiseta (0=ei; 1=jah) | No Collection (0=no; 1=yes) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
QTNr | Pakkumise nr | Quotation no. | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
FiscalFlag | Fiskaalarve (0=ei; 1=jah) | (0=no; 1=yes) | 0, As Bool but displayed as a Checkbox | |
JobNr | Reserv. Number | Rsrv. No. | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
RetnValue | Ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
MachineName | Terminali kood | Terminal code | 20, Code String | |
TransTime | Muutmise kellaaeg | Last change time | 0, Hour:Min:Secs | |
DrawerCode | Sahtel | Drawer | 5, Code String | |
SiteX | Ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 10, Code String | |
Colnr | Värv | Color | 46, Int represented by a Set of String | |
StatVal | Statistiline väärtus | Statistical value | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
EInvFunc | E-arve funktsioon | e-invoice function | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
EInvExpFlag | E-arve eksporditud (0=ei; 1=jah) | (0=no; 1=yes) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
EInvExpDate | E-arve ekspordi kuupäev | e-invoice export date | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
EInvExpQty | E-arve ekspordi kogus | e-invoice export qiantity | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
ServiceDelDate | Teenuse lähetamiskuupäev | Service delivery date | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
Region | Regioon | Region | 20, Code String | |
RefStr | Viitenumber | Reference | 60, String | |
TAX2Sum | Maks 2 | Tax 2 | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
pdvrebt2 | Kassa-ale protsent 2 | Settl. Discount % 2 | 0, Value with minimum Decimals | |
pdrdays2 | Kassa-ale päevi 2 | Settl. Disc. Days 2 | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
NoTax1 | Lisamaksuta | Without tax 1 | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
NoTax2 | Lisamaksuta 2 | Without tax 2 | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
FreightCode | Transp.firma | Freight Company | 5, Code String | |
BankCode | Pangakood | Bank code | 10, Code String | |
InvalidDate | Ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
InvalidLocOKNr | Ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 0, Value with minimum Decimals | |
NoEInvoice | Ära saada e-arvena (0=ei; 1=jah) | (0=no; 1=yes) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
TaxAuthID | Maksuameti ID | Tax Authorities ID | 200, String | |
TaxAuthIDCC | Kontrollkood | Tax Auth. ID CC | 20, String | |
BranchID | Filiaal | Branch | 20, Code String | |
Status | Hetkeseis | Status | 361, Int represented by a Set of String | |
NoTAXonVAT | Arvuta lisamaks summast koos käibemaksuga | Calculate Ext. Tax on Sum incl. | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
TotalwoTAX | Kokku ei sisalda lisamaksu | Total not including Ext. Tax | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
CredManNr | Krediidilimiidi number | Cred. Man. No. | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
RegDate | Registreerimise kuupäev | Reg. Date | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
RegTime | Registreerimise kellaaeg | Reg. Time | 0, Hour:Min:Secs | |
COCUSerNr | Kasutatakse vaid HansaWorldi edasimüüjate poolt | N/A | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
CAE | CAE | CAE | 20, String | |
CAEExpiry | CAE kehtivus | CAE Expiry | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
VINr | Ostuarve number | Purchase invoice no | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
TerminalID | Terminali ID | Terminl ID | 60, String | |
OrderType | Tellimuse tüüp | Order Type | 433, Int represented by a Set of String | |
FiscalDeviceSeqNr | Ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
CCTransID | CC kande ID | CC Trans ID | 50, Capital Characters Only | |
AcceptanceStatus | Kinnituse hetkeseis | Acceptance Status | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
TaxMatrix | Maksu maatriks, Eestis ei kasutata | N/A | 0, Packed Matrix, base64 data | |
CustTaxTemplateCode | Kliendi maksu maatriks, Eestis ei kasutata | N/A | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
RoyaltyIVFlag | Eestis ei kasutata | N/A | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
LoyaltyCardNr | Kliendikaart | Loyalty Card no | 20, Code String | |
LCMLevel | Liikmekaardi tasemete struktuur | Membership Level | 10, Code String | |
Points | Kliendikaardi punkte | Loyalty card points | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
DepCode | Osakond | Department | 10, Code String | |
SelfBilling | Isearveldamine | Self billing | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
Hash | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 255, String | |
HashKeyVersion | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
InvCountry | Arve saaja riigi kood | Customer country code | 5, Code String | |
DelCountry | Lähetusaadressi riigi kood | Delivery country code | 5, Code String | |
TREONr | TREO number | TREO nr | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
ORCONr | Müügilepingu number | Sales contract | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
CAEAStartDate | CAEA alguskuupäev | CAEA Start Date | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
CAEAExpiryDate | CAEA lõpukuupäev | CAEA Expiry Date | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
CAEAFlag | CAEA kasutusel (0=ei; 1=jah) | (0=no; 1=yes) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
FInvExpFlag | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
GroupInv | Konsolideeritud arveldamine | Group Inv. Only | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
Suspended | Ootel | Suspended | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
AcceptanceBy | Kinnitaja(d) | Acceptance By | 200, Comma separated List | |
RetNr | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
TaxAdminServSignatureTimeStamp | ||||
TaxAdminServCertificateNr | ||||
TaxAdminServSeal | Maksupisat | Tax Admin Seal | 250, String | |
CredOfficialSerNr | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 100, Capital Characters Only | |
AcceptanceFYI | Teadmiseks saajad | Acceptance FYI | 200, Comma separated List | |
PMCode | Tasumisviis | Payment code | 2, Code String | |
PayAccNo | Tasumise konto nr | Payment account nr | 4, String | |
BrazilEInvType | N/A | N/A | 10, Code String | |
TaxAdminReceiptNr | E-arve. konf. nr. | E-Inv. Conf. No. | 200, String | |
TaxAuthReceiptDate | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
TaxAuthReceiptTime | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 0, Hour:Min:Secs | |
ReceiptInfo | Laekumise info | Receipt Info | 200, String | |
InvalidTime | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 0, Hour:Min:Secs | |
OKBy | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 10, Code String | |
PlanSendDate | Planeeritud lähetuse kuupäev | Planned ship date | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
PlanSendTime | Planeeritud saatmise kellaaeg | Planned ship time | 0, Hour:Min:Secs | |
PlanArrDate | Planeeritud saabumise kuupäev | Plan. Arrival date | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
PlanArrTime | Planeeritud saabumise kellaaeg | Plan. Arrival time | 0, Hour:Min:Secs | |
FedServCode | Riiklik teenus (0=ei; 1=jah) | Federal Service | 10, Code String | |
InvalidBy | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 10, Code String | |
Reason | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 20, Code String | |
InvCountryName | Arve saaja riigi nimi | Customer country name | 100, String | |
DelCountryName | Lähetusriigi nimi | Delivery country name | 100, String | |
OfficialSerNrSerie | Seeria | Serie | 30, String | |
OfficialSerNr2Serie | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 30, String | |
IPBookVAT | Konteeri laekumise KM (0=ei; 1=jah) | (0=no; 1=yes) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
ThirdPartyBillMark | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
RecipientGLN | GLN (Global Location Number) | GLN | 20, String | |
DelRecipientGLN | Lähetuse GLN | Delivery GLN | 20, String | |
IntrastatTransCode | Intrastati kandekood | Intrastat Trans. Code | 20, Code String | |
GlobalTransportNr | Globaalne transpordinumber | Global Transport No. | 30, Capital Characters Only | |
GlobalTransportDate | Globaalne transpordikuupäev | Global Transport Date | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
DeliverySiteCode | Lähetusaadressi kood | Delivery addr code | 60, String | |
PrintDate | Printimise kuupäev | Printed date | 60, String | |
WorkSiteNumber | Asukoha number | Work Site Number | 60, String | |
GPProc | GP protsent | GP % | 0, Value with One Decimal | |
TaxInvType | Maksu tüüp | Tax Type | Int represented by a Set of String, 609 | |
OYNr | Võimalus | Lead | Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
OYDescription | Võimaluse komm | Lead desc | String, 200 | |
String, 60 | ||||
RvrsVAT | Pöörd KM | Reverese VAT | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 | |
RegNr1 | Reg nr 1 | Reg No 1 | String, 20 | |
PromotionCodes | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Comma separated List, 200 | ||
BankReceiptNr | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Bank Receipt No. | String, 20 | |
ExcludeFromExports | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | "Exclude from Exports | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
PubAdmContract | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | PA Contract | String, 20 | |
PubAdmProject | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | PA Project | String, 20 | |
FactoringExported | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
ExpectedClearingDate | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Exp. Clearing Date | In Dataformat Order, 0 | |
OperationCode | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Operation Code | Code String, 10 | |
SplitVATFlag | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Split VAT Invoice | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
XMLPosition | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
XMLNumber | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
ContractNr | Leping | Contract | String, 255 | |
PayLinkFlag | Võimalda PayLink | Allow PayLink | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
TaxAdminServVATProvider | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | String, 13 | |
TaxAdminServCFDSeal | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | String, 250 | |
AccountDimension | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Acc. Dimension | String, 255 | |
TenderReference | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Tender Ref. | String, 255 | |
ConvenienceFee | Krediitkaardi tasu | Convenience Fee | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 | |
ProcessOrigin | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Process Origin, BRA | Int represented by a Set of String, 700 | |
WithholdingMode | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Withholding Mode, BRA | Internal Set of Strings, 701 | |
AddFiscalInfo | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Add. Fiscal Info, BRA | String, 255 | |
RPSDocNo | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Riiklik Teenus, BRA | Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
PubHighwayServ | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Public Highway Service, BRA | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
NFSeNo | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | NFS-e No, BRA | String, 25 | |
RefInvNo | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Referenced Inv. No. BRA | Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
TargetPlace | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Target Place, BRA | Internal Set of Strings, 702 | |
SpecSituation | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Spec. Situation, BRA | Internal Set of Strings, 703 | |
NFSeIssueDate | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | NFS-e Issue Date, BRA | In Dataformat Order, 0 | |
AdminProcessNo | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Admin Process No. BRA | String, 30 | |
POLVATExpMailOrder | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
POLVATExpTelServices | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
POLVATExpConnectedComp | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
POLVATExpTripartiteGoods | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
POLVATExpTouristServicesGP | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
POLVATExpUsedGoodsGP | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
POLVATExpInsideEU42 | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
POLVATExpInsideEU63 | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
POLVATExpGiftVoucher | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
POLVATExpGiftVoucherPayment | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
POLVATExpGiftVoucherGP | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
POLVATExpDocType | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | Int represented by a Set of String, 704 | |
CNAE | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | String, 15 | |
EInvReceiverFlag | E-arve vastuvõtja | E-Invoice Receiver | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
AvalaraCityCode | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | City code, BRA,PRY | String, 15 | |
AvalaraCountryCode | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Country code, BRA,PRY | String, 15 | |
AvalaraStateCode | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | State code, BRA,PRY | String, 15 | |
DelAvalaraCityCode | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | City code, BRA,PRY | String, 15 | |
DelAvalaraCountryCode | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Country code, BRA,PRY | String, 15 | |
DelAvalaraStateCode | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | State code, BRA,PRY | String, 15 | |
DelPhone | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Phone, BRA,PRY | String, 255 | |
DelEmail | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | E-mail, BRA,PRY | String, 255 | |
RPSDocNoCopy | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Replace RPS Document No. BRA | Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
ProcessNo | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Process,BRA | Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
WithholdingTax | Kinnipidamise maks | Withholding Tax | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 | |
ImportingTax | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Importing Tax BRA | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 | |
BaseCalcImportingTax | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Base Calc. for Importing Taxes | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 | |
IOF | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | IOF, BRA | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 | |
ExchangeTax | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Exchange Taxes, BRA | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 | |
CustomsExpense | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Customs Expense, BRA | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 | |
ThirdPartyWeb | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Third Party Website, BRA | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
PresenceIndicator | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Presence Indicator, BRA | Internal Set of Strings, 724 | |
AddedTax | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 | |
SubstractedTax | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 | |
SauOfficialSerNr | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Official Ser. No. SAU | String, 255 | |
VATClassification | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Invoice Classification, POL | Comma separated List, 200 | |
QRCodeURL | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | QR Code URL, POL | String, 255 | |
DebtCollectionFlag | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Send to Atradius. POL | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
ToBeIVNr | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | ToBe Inv.Nr | Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
BKContractId | Lepingu number | Contract ID | String, 100 | |
BKTenderId | Hanke viitenumber | Tender ID | String, 100 | |
BKRecipient | Arve tasuja | Invoice reciever | Code String, 20 | |
DownPaySerNrFlag | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
PostMachineCode | Pakiautomaat | Parcel machine | Code String, 20 | |
PostMachineName | Nimi | Name | String, 100 | |
PostProvider | Operaator | Operator | Code String, 10 | |
PPCountryCode | Riik | Country | Code String, 5 | |
PPAddr0 | (Pakiautomaadi) aadress 1 | (Parcel machine) addr 1 | String, 60 | |
PPAddr1 | (Pakiautomaadi) aadress 2 | (Parcel machine) addr 2 | String, 60 | |
PPAddr2 | (Pakiautomaadi) aadress 3 | (Parcel machine) addr 3 | String, 60 | |
PPAddr3 | (Pakiautomaadi) aadress 4 | (Parcel machine) addr 4 | String, 60 | |
PPAddr4 | (Pakiautomaadi) aadress 5 | (Parcel machine) addr 5 | String, 255 | |
BKEInvReceiverFlag | E-arve vastuvõtja (flag) | E-invoice reciever (flag) | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
ExcDelAddrComment | Lähetusaadressi nimetus | Delivery Address Name | String, 60 | |
LastUpdatedUser | Viimati uuendas | Last update, person | Code String, 20 | |
IOSS | IOSS | IOSS | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
ExcTotGP | MK FIFO | GP FIFO | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 | |
ExcGPProc | MK% FIFO | GP% FIFO | Value with One Decimal, 0 | |
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Rows: | ||||
ArtCode | Artiklikood | Item code | 20, Code String | Highly recommended |
Quant | Kogus | Quantity | 0, Value with minimum Decimals | Highly recommended |
Price | Hind | Price | 0, Value with 2 or 3 Decimals | Highly recommended |
Sum | Kokku | Sum | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
vRebate | Allahindlusprotsent | % | 0, Value with One Decimal | |
SalesAcc | Müügi konto | Sales account | 10, Code String | |
Objects | Objekt(id) | Objects | 60, Capital Characters Only | |
OrdRow | Tellimuse read (Kreeditarve tüüpi rea puhul (rea stp=3) läheb siia krediteritava arve nr) | Order row nr | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
BasePrice | Baashind | Cost | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
rowGP | Rea müügikate | row GP | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
FIFO | FIFO hind | FIFO price | 0, Value with All Decimals | |
Spec | Kirjeldus | Specification | 100, String | |
VATCode | KM kood | row VAT code | 10, Code String | |
Recepy | Retsept | Recepy | 20, Code String | |
SerialNr | Seerianumber | Serial nr | 60, String | |
PriceFactor | Hinna faktor | Price factor | 0, Value with All Decimals | |
VARList | VAR | VAR list | 30, Capital Characters Only | |
CUPNr | Ettemaksu number | Prepayment | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
FIFORowVal | Rea fifo | Row fifo total | 0, Value with All Decimals | |
Coefficient | Koefitsent | Coefficient | 0, Value with All Decimals | |
CuAccCode | Kliendi konto? | Customer Account Code on row | 20, Code String | |
ExciseNr | Aktsiis | Excise Nr | 20, String | |
PeriodCode | Periodiseerimise mudel | Accrual | 10, Code String | |
UnitCode | Ühiku kood | Unit code | 5, Code String | |
UnitFactQuant | Ühiku kogus | Unit quantity | 0, Value with minimum Decimals | |
UnitFactPrice | Ühiku hind | Unit price | 0, Value with 2 or 3 Decimals | |
UnitXval | Laius | Width | 0, Value with minimum Decimals | |
UnitYval | Kõrgus | Height | 0, Value with minimum Decimals | |
UnitZval | Sügavus | Depth | 0, Value with minimum Decimals | |
VECode | Hankija kood | Supplier code | 20, Code String | |
CreditCard | Krediitkaart | Credit Card | 20, Capital Characters Only | |
AuthorizationCode | Autoriseerimiskood | Authorization Code | 10, Capital Characters Only | |
PosCode | Asukohast | FrPosCode | 20, Code String | |
CurncyCode | Valuuta | Currency code | 5, Code String | |
FrRate | Kurss | Rate | 0, Value with 6 Decimals | |
ToRateB1 | B.1 kursile | Base Currency 1 | 0, Value with 6 Decimals | |
ToRateB2 | B.2 kursile | Base Currency 2 | 0, Value with 6 Decimals | |
BaseRate1 | Baasvaluuta 1 | Base Currency 1rate | 0, Value with 6 Decimals | |
BaseRate2 | Baasvaluuta 2 | Base Currency 2 rate | 0, Value with 6 Decimals | |
PayMode | Tasumisviis | Payment mode | 2, Code String | |
GCNr | N/A | N/A | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
CustOrdNr | Kliendi tellimuse number | Customer Order nr. | 60, String | |
RepaExVAT | N/A | N/A | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
BasePriceB2 | Ostuhind 2 | Cost in B2 | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
TAX2Code | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 5, Code String | |
TAX2Prc | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 0, Value with 2 or 3 Decimals | |
TAX2Reb | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
TAX1Reb | Lisamaksud, kliendi allahindlused | Extra Tax Customer Discount | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
TAX2Acc | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 10, Code String | |
CreditedRow | Krediitarve rida | Credit invoice row (0=no; 1=yes) | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
NotUpdStockFlag | Ei muuda ladu (0=ei; 1=jah) | Dont update stock (0=no; 1=yes) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
CUServiceHistNr | Kliendi teeninduslepingu number | Contr. Hist. No. | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
CUServiceUntilDate | Kliendi teeninduslepingu kehtivus | Contr. Hist. valid date | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
ServiceDelDate | Teenuse lähetuskuupäev | Service Del. Date | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
Location | Ladu | Location | 10, Code String | |
Comment | Kommentaar | Comment | 100, String | |
DiscApprovedBy | Allahindluse kinnitaja | Discount Approved By | 10, Code String | |
Perceptions | Arvuta piirkondlikud maksud | Perceptions | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
VoidedRowNr | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
VoidedSign | Allkiri | Sign | 10, Code String | |
ovst | Alati 0 | always 0 | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
Withholdings | Arvuta kinnipidamismaksud | Calculate holding taxes (0=no; 1=yes) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
WHTax | Kinnipidamismaks | W. tax | 2, Code String | |
CCTransID | CC kande ID | CC Trans ID | 50, Capital Characters Only | |
TaxMatrix | Maksumaatriks | Tax matrix | 0, Packed Matrix, base64 data | |
TaxTemplateCode | Maksumalli kood | Tax template code | 60, Capital Characters Only | |
ResUsage | Pakett | Package | 10, Code String | |
MBRCode | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 10, Code String | |
ChequeNr | Tšeki number | Cheque Nr | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
CheckNr | Tšeki number | Check No | 20, Capital Characters Only | |
Points | Punkte | Points | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
SalesAssistant | Müügiassistent | Sales Assistant | 10, Code String | |
CCTimestamp | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 20, String | |
MotherArtCode | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 20, Code String | |
RecipeQuant | Retsepti kogus | Recipe Quantity | 0, Value with minimum Decimals | |
OrdNr | Tellimuse number | Order nr | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
IVNr | Arve number | Invoice nr | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
RetRow | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
QTRow | Pakkumise rida | Quotation row nr | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
SHNr | Lähetuse number | Delivery nr | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
SHRow | Lähetuse rida | Delivery row nr | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
CustArtCode | Kliendi artiklikood | Customer item code | 20, Code String | |
Salesmen | Müügimees | Salesman | 60, Capital Characters Only | |
CredOfficialSerNr | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 100, String | |
MotherNr | Peaseeria number | Mother No. | 60, String | |
AEStatus | E-arve staatus real | E-invoice status on row | 544, Int represented by a Set of String | |
CustomsNr | Tolli number | Customs Nr | 30, String | |
CountryOfOrg | Pärit riigist (2kohaline riigi kood) | Country Of Origin | 5, Code String | |
SecondarySerialNr | Teine seerianumber | N/A | 60, String | |
AlternateDeviceID | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 30, String | |
MotherSecondarySerialNr | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 60, String | |
MotherAlternateDeviceID | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | N/A | 30, String | |
UnitComment | UnitComment | Ühik kommentaar | Unit comment | 200, String |
RvrsVATCode | Pöörd KM | Reverse VAT code | Code String, 10 | |
CCReceiptNr | CCReceiptNr | CCReceiptNr | Capital Characters Only, 50 | |
OtherCost | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Other Cost, BRA | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 | |
FreightCost | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Freight Cost, BRA | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 | |
Insurance | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Insurance, BRA | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 | |
UntaxedOtherCost | Eestis ei kasutata, alati tühi | Untaxed Other Cost, BRA | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 | |
BKBestBefore | Parim Enne | Best Before | In Dataformat Order, 0 | |
ExcRowGP | MK FIFO | GP, FIFO | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |