Tellimused / Sales orders
Väljade loetelu
Kood | Kirjeldus | Description in ENG | Max pikkus, andme tüüp |
UUID | Tehniline väli | Technical fields, not available in GUI | Universally unique identifier, 0 |
ServerSequence | Tehniline väli | Technical fields, not available in GUI | Unsigned 64-bit value, 0 |
SyncFlags | Tehniline väli | Technical fields, not available in GUI | Value with No Decimals, 0 |
SerNr | Tellimuse nr | Order no | Value with No Decimals, 0 |
OrdDate | Tellimuse kuupäev | Order date | In Dataformat Order, 0 |
CustCode | Kliendi kood | Customer code | Code String, 20 |
Addr0 | Kliendi arveaadressi 1. rida | Invoice address line 1 | String, 60 |
Addr1 | Kliendi arveaadressi 2. rida | Invoice address line 2 | String, 60 |
Addr2 | Kliendi arveaadressi 3. rida | Invoice address line 3 | String, 60 |
Addr3 | Kliendi arveaadressi 4. rida | Invoice address line 4 | String, 60 |
OurContact | Meie esindaja | Our reference | String, 20 |
CustContact | Kliendi esindaja | Attention (Customer reference) | String, 60 |
ExportFlag | Käibemaksutsoon | VAT zone | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
InvFlag | Arve tehtud? Linnuke sirvi aknas | Invoice created (visible in browse window) | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
ShipFlag | Lähetus tehtud? Linnuke sirvi aknas | Delivery created (visible in browse window) | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
Prntdf | Saadetud? Peidetud väli | Sent? (Hidden field) | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
PayDeal | Tasumistingimus | Pyment term | Code String, 3 |
CustCat | Kliendiklass | Customer category code | Code String, 5 |
InvMark | Arve | Invoice created (hidden field) | As Bool but displayed as a Checkbox, 0 |
ShipMark | Lähetus | Delivery created (hidden field) | As Bool but displayed as a Checkbox, 0 |
Objects | Objektid | Objects | Capital Characters Only, 60 |
ShipMode | Lähetusviis | Delivery mode | Code String, 5 |
OrderStatus | Eksporditud linnuke (0=ei; 1=jah) | Exported flag (0=no; 1=yes) | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
PlanShip | Planeeritud lähetus | Planned delivery | String, 10 |
SalesMan | Müügimees | Salesman | Capital Characters Only, 60 |
Sign | Tellimuse koostaja (peidetud väli, isiku kood, kes tellimuse koostas) | Order creator (Hidden field, username who created order) | Code String, 10 |
ShipDeal | Lähtustingimus | Delivery terms | Code String, 5 |
ShipAddr0 | Lähetusaadressi 1. rida | Delivery address line 1 | String, 60 |
ShipAddr1 | Lähetusaadressi 2. rida | Delivery address line 2 | String, 60 |
ShipAddr2 | Lähetusaadressi 3. rida | Delivery address line 3 | String, 60 |
ShipAddr3 | Lähetusaadressi 4. rida | Delivery address line 4 | String, 60 |
CurncyCode | Valuuta | Currency code | Code String, 5 |
LangCode | Keele | Language | Code String, 5 |
InvoiceToCode | Arve saaja | Invoice to | Code String, 20 |
Closed | Suletud | Closed flag ((0=no; 1=yes) | As Bool but displayed as a Checkbox, 0 |
ToRateB1 | Baasvaluuta 1 (kurss) | Base currency 1 | Value with 6 Decimals, 0 |
BuildOn | N/A | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
PRCode | Projekti kood | Project | Code String, 20 |
Comment | Kommentaar | Comment | String, 60 |
InvOnlyOnFull | N/A | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
DownPaySent | Ettemakstud (Aknas peidetud) | Prepayment sent (Hidden in GUI) | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
DownPayRedcd | Ettemaks laekunud (Aknas peidetud) | Prepayment recieved (Hidden in GUI) | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
OrderClass | Tellimuse klass | Order class | Code String, 5 |
CustOrdNr | Kliendi tellimuse number | Customer order no | String, 60 |
PriceList | Hinnakiri | Price list | Code String, 20 |
InclVAT | K.a. käibemaks (Aknas peidetud) | Includes VAT (Hidden in GUI) | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
Sum0 | Ümardus (Aknas peidetud) | Rounding (Hidden in GUI) | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
Sum1 | Vahesumma | Subtotal | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
Sum2 | (Aknas peidetud) | (Hidden in GUI) | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
Sum3 | KM summa | VAT | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
Sum4 | Kokku | TOTAL | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
Reserved | Reserveeritud linnuke | Reserveed flag | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
OSFlag | N/A | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
Location | Ladu | Location | Code String, 10 |
CustVATCode | Kliendi müügi KM kood (Aknas peidetud, tuleb kontaktikaardilt) | Customer VAT code (hidden in GUI) | Code String, 10 |
RebCode | Hinnaalandusmaatriks | Discount matrix | Code String, 5 |
VATNr | N/A | N/A | String, 20 |
Phone | Kliendi telefon | Customer phone | String with phone-number, 20 |
Fax | Kliendi faks | Customer fax | String, 20 |
ExportedFlag | N/A | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
BaseSum4 | Kokku (Baasvaluutas) | TOTAL in Base 1 | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
FrRate | Kurss | Rate | Value with 6 Decimals, 0 |
ToRateB2 | Baasvaluuta 2 | Base currency 2 | Value with 6 Decimals, 0 |
BaseRate1 | Baasvaluuta 1 | Base currency 1 | Value with 6 Decimals, 0 |
BaseRate2 | Baasvaluuta 2 | Base currency 2 | Value with 6 Decimals, 0 |
DiscPerc | Allahindlusprotsent (aknas peidetud. NB: päise väli) | Discount % (hidden in GUI) | Value with minimum Decimals, 0 |
DiscSum | Allahindluse summa (aknas peidetud. NB: päise väli) | Discount sum (hidden in GUI) | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
TotGP | Kokku müügikatte summa | Total GP | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
Probability | Tõnäosuse protsent (aknas peidetud, seotud pakkumisega) | Probability (Hidden in GUI, comes from Quotation) | Value with One Decimal, 0 |
CreditCard | Krediitkaardi kood | Credi Card code | Capital Characters Only, 20 |
AuthorizationCode | Isikutuvastus | Authorization Code | Capital Characters Only, 10 |
GPProc | Müügikate % | GP % | Value with One Decimal, 0 |
DespatchDate | Saatmise kuupäev | Dispatch date | In Dataformat Order, 0 |
DespatchTime | Saatmise aeg (kellaaeg) | Dispatch time | Hour:Min:Secs, 0 |
SalesGroup | Müügigrupp | Sales Group | Capital Characters Only, 30 |
Sorting | Teekond | Route | String, 20 |
TotQty | Kogus kokku | Total quantity | Value with minimum Decimals, 0 |
TotWeight | Kaal kokku | Total weight | Value with minimum Decimals, 0 |
TotVolume | Maht kokku | Total volume | Value with minimum Decimals, 0 |
Commision | Komisjonitasu | Comission | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
SumIncCom | Kokku koos teenustasuga | Total Incl. Com. | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
FrPrice | Transpordi hind | Freight | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
FrBase | N/A | N/A | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
FrItem | Transpordi artiklikood | Freight item code | Code String, 20 |
FrVATCode | Transpordi KM kood | Freight VAT code | Code String, 10 |
FrObjects | Transpordi objektid (aknas peidetud) | Freight objects (hidden in window) | Capital Characters Only, 60 |
InvAddr3 | Arve aadress rida 4 | Invoice address line 4 | String, 60 |
InvAddr4 | Arve aadress rida 5 | Invoice address line 5 | String, 60 |
DelAddr3 | Lähetusaadress rida 4 | Delivery address line 4 | String, 60 |
DelAddr4 | Lähetusaadress rida 5 | Delivery address line 5 | String, 60 |
DelAddrCode | Lähetusaadresssi kood | Delivery address code | Code String, 20 |
TAX1Sum | Lisamaks | Ext. Tax | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
QuoteNr | N/A | N/A | Value with No Decimals, 0 |
InvBeforeShip | Arve enne lähetus linnuke | Invoice Before Delivery flag | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
colnr | N/A | N/A | Int represented by a Set of String, 46 |
OKFlag | Kinnita linnuke | OK (flag) | As Bool but displayed as a Checkbox, 0 |
PlanShipDate | Planeeritud lähetuse kuupäev | Planned Delivery | In Dataformat Order, 0 |
PrepaidAmount | Ettemakstud summa | Prepaid Amount | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
Region | Regioon | Region | Code String, 20 |
RefStr | Viide | Reference | String, 60 |
GroupOrdNr | N/A | N/A | Value with No Decimals, 0 |
NoDelivery | N/A | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
NoInvoice | N/A | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
TAX2Sum | Maks 2 | Tax2 | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
NoTax1 | Lisamaksuta (aknas peidetud) | Without extra tax (hidden in window) | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
NoTax2 | Masuta 2 (aknas peidetud) | Without tax2 (hidden in window) | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
BranchID | Filiaal | Branch | Code String, 20 |
NoTAXonVAT | Arvuta lisamaks summast koos käibemaksuga (aknas peidetud) | Calc extra tax on sum without VAT (flag, hidden in window) | Value with No Decimals, 0 |
TotalwoTAX | Kokku ei sisalda lisamaksu (aknas peidetud) | Total does not incl extra tax (flag, hidden in window) | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
OrderType | Tellimuse tüüp (aknas peidetud) | Order type (flag, hidden in window) | Int represented by a Set of String, 433 |
AcceptanceStatus | Kinnitamise staatus (aknas peidetud) | Acceptance status (hidden in window) | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
CustTaxTemplateCode | N/A | N/A | Code String, 10 |
TaxMatrix | N/A | N/A | Packed Matrix, base64 data, 0 |
TerminalID | Terminali ID (aknas peidetud) | Terminal ID (hidden in window) | String, 60 |
OfficialSerNr | Ametlik seerianumber | Official no. | String, 100 |
Hash | N/A | N/A | String, 255 |
HashKeyVersion | N/A | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
RegDate | Kuupäev | Reg date (hidden in window) | In Dataformat Order, 0 |
RegTime | Kellaaeg | Reg time (hidden in window) | Hour:Min:Secs, 0 |
LocalMachineCode | Terminalikoha kood (aknas peidetud) | Local machine Code (hidden in window) | Code String, 20 |
InvCountry | Arve saaja riigi kood 2kohaline | Invice country ID (2-letter) | Code String, 5 |
DelCountry | Lähetuse saaja riigi kood 2kohaline | Delivery country ID (2-letter) | Code String, 5 |
TREONr | TREO nr, | Treo no | Value with No Decimals, 0 |
TREOExpDate | TREO kehtivuse kuupäev | Treo date | In Dataformat Order, 0 |
ORCONr | Müügilepingu nr | Sales Contract | Value with No Decimals, 0 |
AcceptanceBy | Kinnitaja(d) (aknas peidetud) | Acceptance user list (hidden in window) | Comma separated List, 200 |
AcceptanceFYI | Infoks isikud (aknas peidetud) | FYI user list (hidden in window) | Comma separated List, 200 |
BankCode | Pangakood (aknas peidetud) | Bank code (hidden in window) | Code String, 12 |
InvCountryName | Arve saaja riigi nimi | Invice country Name | String, 100 |
DelCountryName | Lähetuse saaja riigi nimi | Delivery country Name | String, 100 |
OfficialSerNrSerie | Seeria (aknas peidetud) | Official number series (hidden in window) | String, 30 |
RecipientGLN | Saaja GLN | Invoice GLN | String, 20 |
DelRecipientGLN | Kauba Saaja GLN | Delivery GLN | String, 20 |
IntrastatTransCode | Intrastati kandekood | Intrastat code | Code String, 20 |
Comment2 | Kommentaar (rida 3) | Comment line 3 | String, 100 |
Comment3 | Kommentaar (rida 4) | Comment line 4 | String, 100 |
Comment4 | Kommentaar (rida 5) | Comment line 5 | String, 100 |
PONr | Ostutellimuse nr | Purchase order no | Value with No Decimals, 0 |
CompNr | N/A | N/A | Value with No Decimals, 0 |
OYNr | N/A | N/A | Value with No Decimals, 0 |
OYDescription | N/A | N/A | String, 200 |
SHShipSetToZero | Lähetatud kogus 0 | Delivery quantity to 0 | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
RvrsVAT | N/A | N/A | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
PromotionCodes | N/A | N/A | Comma separated List, 200 |
DeliveryOption | N/A | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
AccountDimension | N/A | N/A | String, 255 |
TenderReference | N/A | N/A | String, 255 |
ContractNr | N/A | N/A | String, 255 |
WithholdingMode | N/A | N/A | Internal Set of Strings, 701 |
ProcessOrigin | N/A | N/A | Int represented by a Set of String, 700 |
AmazonOrderId | N/A | N/A | String, 255 |
AmazonOrderStatus | N/A | N/A | Int represented by a Set of String, 706 |
AmazonSyncedFlag | N/A | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
AvalaraCityCode | N/A | N/A | String, 15 |
AvalaraCountryCode | N/A | N/A | String, 15 |
AvalaraStateCode | N/A | N/A | String, 15 |
DelAvalaraCityCode | N/A | N/A | String, 15 |
DelAvalaraCountryCode | N/A | N/A | String, 15 |
DelAvalaraStateCode | N/A | N/A | String, 15 |
DelPhone | N/A | N/A | String, 255 |
DelEmail | N/A | N/A | String, 255 |
WithholdingTax | N/A | N/A | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
SpecSituation | N/A | N/A | Internal Set of Strings, 703 |
AdminProcessNo | N/A | N/A | String, 30 |
PubHighwayServ | N/A | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
AddedTax | N/A | N/A | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
SubstractedTax | N/A | N/A | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
FailOrdNr | N/A | N/A | Value with No Decimals, 0 |
PostMachineCode | Pakiautomaadi kood | Parcel machine code | Code String, 20 |
PostMachineName | Pakiautomaadi nimi | Parcel machine Name | String, 100 |
PostProvider | Pakiautomaadi operaator | Parcel machine operator | Code String, 10 |
PPCountryCode | Pakiautomaadi riik | Parcel machine country | Code String, 5 |
PPAddr0 | Pakiautomaadi aadress 1 | Parcel machine address 1 | String, 60 |
PPAddr1 | Pakiautomaadi aadress 2 | Parcel machine address 2 | String, 60 |
PPAddr2 | Pakiautomaadi aadress 3 | Parcel machine address 3 | String, 60 |
PPAddr3 | Pakiautomaadi aadress 4 | Parcel machine address 4 | String, 60 |
PPAddr4 | Pakiautomaadi aadress 5 | Parcel machine address 5 | String, 255 |
OrderPartyCode | Tellimuse tellija (OrderParty in EDI) | Orderer of the order (OrderParty in EDI) | Code String, 20 |
ExcDelAddrComment | Lähetusaadressi nimetus | Delivery address record name | String, 60 |
CargosServID | (Cargosson) teenusepakkuja | (Cargosson) Service provider | Code String, 10 |
CargosServName | (Cargosson) Nimi | (Cargosson) Name | String, 60 |
APIAddr0 | (Cargosson) aadress 1 | (Cargosson) address 1 | String, 60 |
APIAddr1 | (Cargosson) aadress 2 | (Cargosson) address 2 | String, 60 |
APIAddr2 | (Cargosson) aadress 3 | (Cargosson) address 3 | String, 60 |
APIAddr3 | (Cargosson) aadress 4 | (Cargosson) address 4 | String, 60 |
APIAddr4 | (Cargosson) aadress 5 | (Cargosson) address 5 | String, 60 |
APIPhone | (Cargosson) Telefon | (Cargosson) Phone | String with phone-number, 20 |
APIDelCountry | (Cargosson) Riik | (Cargosson) Country | Code String, 5 |
stp | Rea tüüp. Enamasti 1, aga on olemas STP koodide spec | Mostly 1, but possible STP values are described | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
ArtCode | Artiklikood | Item code | Code String, 20 |
Quant | Kogus | Qty | Value with minimum Decimals, 0 |
Price | Ühikuhind | Unit Price | Value with 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
Sum | Summa | Sum | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
vRebate | Allah % | Discount % | Value with One Decimal, 0 |
SalesAcc | Müügikonto | A/C | Code String, 10 |
Shipd1 | Läh. 1 | Del | Value with minimum Decimals, 0 |
Shipd2 | Läh. 2 | Del. Ok | Value with minimum Decimals, 0 |
Invd | Arveldatud | Invoiced | Value with minimum Decimals, 0 |
Objects | Objektid | Objects | Capital Characters Only, 60 |
BasePrice | N/A | N/A | Value with 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
rowGP | Rea müügikate | GP | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
Spec | Kirjeldus | Description | String, 100 |
VATCode | KM kood | V-Cd | Code String, 10 |
Recepy | Retsept | Recepy | Code String, 20 |
SerialNr | Seerianumber | Serial No. | String, 60 |
PriceFactor | Hinnafaktor | Price factor | Value with All Decimals, 0 |
VARList | N/A | N/A | Capital Characters Only, 30 |
Location | Ladu | Location | Code String, 10 |
Source | Allikas | Source | Code String, 10 |
PickingDate | Rea noppe kuupäev (YYYY-MM-DD) | Pick Date | In Dataformat Order, 0 |
PickingTime | Rea noppe aeg (HH:MM:SS) | Pick Time | String, 20 |
InloadingDate | Rea laadimise kuupäev (YYYY-MM-DD) | Inl Date | In Dataformat Order, 0 |
InloadingTime | Rea laadimise aeg (HH:MM:SS) | Inl Time | String, 20 |
DespatchRowDate | Rea saatmise kuupäev (YYYY-MM-DD) | Desp. Date | In Dataformat Order, 0 |
DespatchRowTime | Rea saatmise aeg (HH:MM:SS) | Desp Time | String, 20 |
PlanShipRow | Rea planeeritud lähetus | Plan Del | String, 10 |
ShipNote | Saateleht | Delivery note | String, 60 |
UnitCode | Ühik | Uni | Code String, 5 |
UnitFactQuant | Ühiku kogus | Unit quantity | Value with minimum Decimals, 0 |
UnitFactPrice | Ühiku hind | Unit price | Value with 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
UnitXval | Ühiku laius | Wight | Value with minimum Decimals, 0 |
UnitYval | Ühiku kõrgus | Hight | Value with minimum Decimals, 0 |
UnitZval | Ühiku sügavus | Depth | Value with minimum Decimals, 0 |
Coefficient | Koefitsent | Coefficent | Value with All Decimals, 0 |
VECode | Tarnija kood | Cust item code | Code String, 20 |
Production | Tootmine (aknas peidetud) | Production (hidden in window) | Code String, 20 |
GroupOrdRow | N/A | N/A | Value with No Decimals, 0 |
TAX2Code | N/A | N/A | Code String, 5 |
TAX2Prc | N/A | N/A | Value with 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
TAX2Reb | N/A | N/A | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
TAX1Reb | N/A | N/A | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
TAX2Acc | N/A | N/A | Code String, 10 |
PlanShipRowDate | N/A | N/A | In Dataformat Order, 0 |
CUServiceHistNr | Customer service contact no | Value with No Decimals, 0 | |
CUServiceUntilDate | Kl.teen.lep. kehtivuse aeg | Customer service contact end date | In Dataformat Order, 0 |
Position | Asukoht | Position | Code String, 20 |
RowOrderType | N/A | N/A | Int represented by a Set of String, 433 |
TaxTemplateCode | N/A | N/A | Capital Characters Only, 60 |
TaxMatrix | N/A | N/A | Packed Matrix, base64 data, 0 |
Region | Regioon | Region | Code String, 20 |
Perceptions | N/A | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals, 0 |
MotherArtCode | N/A | N/A | Code String, 20 |
RecipeQuant | Retsepti kogus | Recepie quantity | Value with minimum Decimals, 0 |
CustArtCode | Kliendi artiklikood | Customer item code | Code String, 20 |
Salesmen | Müügimees (real) | Salesman | Capital Characters Only, 60 |
OrderType | Tellimuse tüüp (aknas peidetud) | Order type (flag, hidden in window) | Int represented by a Set of String, 626 |
UnitComment | Ühiku kommentaar | Unit comment | String, 200 |
DiscApprovedBy | N/A | N/A | Code String, 10 |
ServiceDelDate | N/A | N/A | In Dataformat Order, 0 |
RvrsVATCode | N/A | N/A | Code String, 10 |
OtherCost | N/A | N/A | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
FreightCost | Transpordi kulu | Freight cost | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
Insurance | N/A | N/A | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
UntaxedOtherCost | N/A | N/A | Value 2 or 3 Decimals, 0 |
BKBestBefore | Parim Enne | Best Before | In Dataformat Order, 0 |
XMLi näidis, Tellimus 4 reaga
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>
<data register='ORVc' sequence='36544090' systemversion='' linkid='AAA1B72A-41078439-02518FD5-0A56F241-024839FB'>
<ORVc register='ORVc' sequence='36544075' url='/api/1/ORVc/115'>
<Addr0>Merli Grupp OÜ</Addr0>
<Addr1>Ehitajate tee 91/2-24</Addr1>
<Addr2>Mustamäe linnaosa</Addr2>
<OurContact>Juhani Mäesepp</OurContact>
<CustContact>Merli Parv-Mägine</CustContact>
<InvAddr3>Harju maakond</InvAddr3>
<ProcessOrigin>State Tax Office</ProcessOrigin>
<row rownumber='0'>
<Spec>Automakk Pioneer 3000 TEST</Spec>